Researchers from the Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research lab have developed a way to create 3D objects from a single 2D color image. The technique uses something called ‘hierarchical surface prediction’ to identify free space, occupied space, and boundaries. Origen: … – Berkeley AI team generates high-res 3D models from 2D images by focusing on surfaces | 3D Printer News & 3D Printing News Leer más »

Berlin-based 3YOURMIND has launched a free plugin for 3D design software Vectorworks 2016 that allows professional architects and designers to directly check, analyze, repair and optimize their files for 3D printing. The plugin also connects to 3YOURMIND’s online comparison tool, … – 3YOURMIND launches free Vectorworks 2016 3D printing plugin for simplified 3D printing | 3D Printer News & 3D Printing News Leer más »